Saturday, March 7, 2020

Movie Review: Deep Red (1975)

DIRECTOR: Dario Argento. CAST: David Hemmings, Daria Nicolodi, Gabriele Lavia, Macha Meril, Eros Pagni, Giuliana Calandra, Piero Mazzinghi, Glauco Mauri, Clara Calamai.
While Suspiria is the best example of Dario Argento drawing in viewers with intoxicating imagery, Deep Red does the same with characters and storytelling. Blow Up star David Hemmings is music teacher Marcus Daly, who witnesses one of his neighbors being hacked to death by some crazed raincoat-clad lunatic. He is too late to the scene of the crime to save his neighbor, but cannot shake the feeling that he saw something in the dead woman’s apartment that was vital to solving the murder. Unfortunately, he has no helpful information to offer as a witness and the local police have little interest in uncovering this caper. Marcus goes about his own investigation when the killer begins stalking him with a recording of a children’s song that any self-respecting kid would find creepy as hell. Daria Nicolodi is perfect in her first major film role as the spunky investigative journalist assisting Marcus in this murder mystery. She plays a fine Katharine Hepburn to David Hemmings’ Spencer Tracy. Deep Red was the moment when Dario Argento truly arrived, establishing himself as a director to pay attention to in the horror film world.

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